Detail-oriented, organized and meticulous employee. Works at fast pace to meet tight deadlines. Enthusiastic team player ready to contribute to company success.
Final Year Design Project (University of Moratuwa)
Developing a Web application to Design and Assemble Mineral Processing Plant. (MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, XAMPP, Ajax, HTML, CSS, JSON, jQuery)
This web application was developed to select the most suitable processing plant components according to customer requirements and budgets.
EduPanel v1.0.0 – Lecturers Management Application (Java, Spring Boot, Web Starter pack, GitHub, Lombok, MySQL, Jakarta/Java Bean Validation, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate Validator, Native Hibernate)
This project’s objective is to develop a comprehensive solution for lecturer record management in the institute. It is included the main business operations, and the business logic regards the objective of the application.
ChatRun – Real Time Chat Application (Angular, JavaScript, WebSocket, NodeJS, MySQL, Git, GitHub, SCSS, HTML, JavaEE)
Areal time chat application is designing and implementing to enhance communication and collaboration. The project extends to implementing security measures to protect user data and integrating additional functionalities such as file sharing and multimedia supports.
Google Clone (HTML5, CSS, VS Code)
Audio Recorder (Java, JavaScript, CSS, VS Code, HTML)
Task Manager (JavaScript, Spring boot, IntelliJ IDEA, CSS, HTML5)
CEO / Senior Lecturer
Institute of Software Engineering
+94 77 225 2985
Senior Lecturer
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
University of Moratuwa
+94 71 188 1530